I've realized as I've talked about the changes in my life, I have referred to becoming a new person. And "Changing who I am". I truly do believe I have been through a conversion. I just want to say through the help of some very special people in my life, I now know that this {new} person I've become is who I've always been. The real me. I had been living my life very differently than I'd ever thought I would have been. And covered up who I really was inside. Through making wrong choices and bad decisions we make ourselves feel we will always be inadequate. This is NOT true. Those who are struggling I just want you know there is Hope. After so long of making myself somewhat content with the way I was living my life, I am finally resurfacing as the girl I really am! I really believe this is a major reason why I have found the courage to turn everything around when I thought there was no hope. I am so thankful the Lord never gives up on us. I believe that whatever is in your heart will eventually show through no matter how hard you try to justify things in your life. I just felt it was important and needed to share how I have been feeling. Just remember to always trust yourself, and don't ignore promptings that you have! Rev. 21:7 "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son"
My mom got me a book for Christmas, it's titled "My Not So Fairytale Life".. how ironic I thought... I loved the book! And the best part is, I LOVE my not so fairytale life!!
Lift Your Soul
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
A Closer Look

Meet baby Evy, {Evan} my sis Christa's baby boy. When I saw this picture it made me so happy. All of the children in my family are so beautiful and completely inspiring. Yesterday was a pretty rough day. I was thinking so negatively about every thought I had. Quite a few times this week I've had plans and I've just ended up canceling. We have 24 hours in a day. With in those hours we need to be getting 8 hrs of sleep, 8 hrs of recreation {Re-CREATION}, which is renewing ourselves and 8 hrs of taking time to be social in some way. I am the worst at the last one. I find excuses all the time so that I don't have to go out and expand my "social scene". When you're thinking in error you close your self off to everything outside of your own little bubble. This only makes you more sad. I love seeing my amazing family and feeling their love and inspiration. It truly motivates me to be a happier person. And I just want to thank them for all their endless love. I just got back from my daily jog and it's beautiful outside! Just looking at the beauty of the earth and being under the sun brings so much peace to my life. I'm so grateful for this place we live, that we have the free agency to make each day as miraculous as we wish. And every day I get another chance to try and be a better person.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I have so many blessings to be grateful for today. For me it's easy to look at life and feel like I'm not of much worth. That's just the starting point of going off in a direction that I know only leaves me in sorrow. I wish everyday were like today when I feel I can accomplish anything! That just means I need to work every day on believing in myself. Today one of the counselors from church called me at 7 am wanting me to come in and speak with him before our meetings began. You KNOW what that means! I was so excited to get to the church to see what the Lord had in store for me. It feels so amazing after years of being off track that the Lord knows where my heart is now and He knows I am willing to do whatever He asks. When Bro. Lyndsay asked if I would like to accept a calling as a Beehive Advisor I was ecstatic! Right away I felt love in my heart for these girls and I already wanted to reach out to them. I was really excited to go to YW's for the first time in years. The feeling in that room was overwhelming. These girls are so eager to learn and so full of the spirit. Already such great examples to me! They reminded me of myself when I was young, it made me just want to keep them safe from the world! I'm so excited and grateful to be called to serve these girls. I look forward to learning from them and I hope in some way they will be able to feel the spirit from me. I have a quote I want to share because it's so enlightening! "Let us once and for all establish our residence in Zion and give up the summer cottage in Babylon". Neal A. Maxwell 1989 This is so true! You can't live in Zion and have one foot in Babylon. And it's impossible to serve two masters. If you "Choose ye this day to serve the Lord" you will be on a beautiful path to true happiness. This I know because I am living proof!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I Believe In You!
Today has literally been a miracle in itself. These past few month's have been a trying time. My whole life has completely changed from the way it was a few month's ago. My location, work, faith, people I associate with and the thing's I do in my spare time are all different because I have become a new person. At a time when I thought my life was at an end my family came to my rescue. For that I am forever grateful. So many special thing's happened today. The Lord has put his own hand forth and is helping me to move forward with my life. It took so many years of my life to realize: "It's about the goodness of the one we believe in not the believer". It was time I realized this life isn't about me. We are here for a purpose. Someone I deeply admire did something so kind for me today. She wanted me to know she believed in me. She was portraying the service we need to render to each other in our daily lives. When you have strong faith in what you believe you cultivate every happiness imaginable. Because I have changed who I am and my lifestyle to draw closer to thee, I am closer to the Lord than I ever have been. I am so happy to say that! "Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace". John 14:27 Nothing's too far beyond our reach that we can't overcome.
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