Lift Your Soul

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I have so many blessings to be grateful for today. For me it's easy to look at life and feel like I'm not of much worth. That's just the starting point of going off in a direction that I know only leaves me in sorrow. I wish everyday were like today when I feel I can accomplish anything! That just means I need to work every day on believing in myself. Today one of the counselors from church called me at 7 am wanting me to come in and speak with him before our meetings began. You KNOW what that means! I was so excited to get to the church to see what the Lord had in store for me. It feels so amazing after years of being off track that the Lord knows where my heart is now and He knows I am willing to do whatever He asks. When Bro. Lyndsay asked if I would like to accept a calling as a Beehive Advisor I was ecstatic! Right away I felt love in my heart for these girls and I already wanted to reach out to them. I was really excited to go to YW's for the first time in years. The feeling in that room was overwhelming. These girls are so eager to learn and so full of the spirit. Already such great examples to me! They reminded me of myself when I was young, it made me just want to keep them safe from the world! I'm so excited and grateful to be called to serve these girls. I look forward to learning from them and I hope in some way they will be able to feel the spirit from me. I have a quote I want to share because it's so enlightening! "Let us once and for all establish our residence in Zion and give up the summer cottage in Babylon". Neal A. Maxwell 1989 This is so true! You can't live in Zion and have one foot in Babylon. And it's impossible to serve two masters. If you "Choose ye this day to serve the Lord" you will be on a beautiful path to true happiness. This I know because I am living proof!


  1. Chica, so stoked for you and your new calling! Could it have more perfect for you??? You will be such an amazing example to those girls. And yes, guard them from this nasty, cruel world. So happy for you and the new path your life is taking!

  2. Why or why did I have to read this here. Where was my phone call. you are in big trouble! i'm so excited for you! That is just perfect! You will be amazing and touch lives just as you remember the impact that certain leaders of yours had on you! Those are some seriously lucky behives!!!!!!

  3. Jolayne, I am so excited for you!!! You will be amazing in this calling!! You are right about the lord knows your heart and wants you to be there for the beehives! You lucky duck! Love you and miss you!!


  4. Jolayne- you will be the most amazing advisor ever. I am so excited for you. When I read this I thought about Jenna Lines. Do you remember how important she was to you? What were the chances that she was in my ward and that you would be able to see her after all those years. You were so excited about it!!!! I know you will have the same impact and relationship with these girls and that they will love you forever for it! I am so proud of you!! XOXOX

  5. Wow what a perfect place for you! I once had a stake president tell me that we have this like amazing bubble around our youth. You just by being with them get to be in that bubble!!!!

  6. Congrats and very best wishes. Sending you peace, joy and have lots of fun..

  7. Jolayne, You'll be amazing in your new calling! And, how come we live so close and never get together?

  8. I am soo happy for you and your calling! :)
